NGC6871 and SH2-101 – Tulip Nebula
The Tulip Nebula is the big red things in lower-right of the image. It’s part of the Sharpless catalog, number sh2-101, which lists red stuff like that. We call it HII regions, clouds of ionized hydrogen in h-alpha. It is only accessible in photo, our eyes are not sensitive enough to see them in a telescope.
And in the center on the left, the small packet of bright stars, it is the open cluster NGC 6871.
29 exposures of 5 minutes.
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D unfiltered
Telescope : Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor
Mount : Takahashi EM-200 home made electronics.
Guiding : Orion Starshoot Autoguider on a William Optic Zenithstar 66SD refractor
Outside temperature : 6°C to 4°C
Sensor temperature : 13°C to 15°C
Humidity : 75%
SQM : 21.6
Software : auto-guiding with PHD2, acquisition with BackyardEOS, processing with PixInsight.
Location : Prairie de Restefond, France