IC 5146 – Cocoon Nebula
Captured the last night Restefond 2012 session, here is the Cocoon Nebula, IC 5146, in the constellation Cygnus, not very far from the open cluster M39 in the direction of Cepheus. It is accompanied by a long trail of dust that is none other than the dark nebula Barnard 168.
46 exposures of 5 minutes.
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D unfiltered
Telescope : Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor with x0.73 reducer.
Mount : Takahashi EM-200 USD3.
Guiding : Orion Starshoot Autoguider on a William Optic Zenithstar 66SD refractor.
Outside temperature : 12°C
Sensor temperature : 17°C
Software : auto-guiding with PHD Guiding and PHDMax, acquisition with MaximDL, pre-processing with Iris, processing with photoshop
Location : Restefond Prairies, France