IC405 – Flaming Star Nebula
Here is my first shot in the Index Catalog : IC 405, The Flaming Star Nebula is emission/reflection nebula in Auriga. The gas, glowing hydrogen in red, is ionized and the blueish dust is enlighten by the star AE Auriga.
35 exposures of 7 minutes.
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D unfiltered
Telescope : Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor.
Mount : Takahashi EM-200 USD3.
Guiding : Orion Starshoot Autoguider on a William Optic Zenithstar 66SD refractor.
Outside temperature : -6.5°C
Sensor temperature : -7 to -1°C, dark frames at -3°C
Software : auto-guiding and acquisition with MaximDL, pre-processing with Iris, processing with photoshop.
Location : Col du Lautaret, France