NGC2264 – The Cone and The Christmas Tree
There is a H-Alpha region, a region full of ionized hydrogen, somewhere between Gemini and Orion, in the constellation of Monoceros. It’s not far from the Rosette Nebula. The ionized hydrogen is the red nebulosities you can see on my image.
The Cone Nebula, so named because of its apparent shape, is a dark nebula made of cold molecular hydrogen and dust in front of the ionized hydrogen.
You can see the Christmas Tree cluster with a binocular. It is formed by the most brilliant star roughly in the center of the image. The rest can be seen only on photos
32 exposures of 5 minutes. 8 darks, 8 flats.
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D unfiltered
Telescope : Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor.
Mount : Takahashi EM-200 USD3.
Guiding : Orion Starshoot Autoguider on a William Optic Zenithstar 66SD refractor.
Outside temperature : 0.5°C to -3°C
Sensor temperature : 3°C
Software : auto-guiding and acquisition with MaximDL, pre-processing with Iris, processing with photoshop.
Location : Col des Milles Martyrs, France
I shot my NGC2264 on Feb 20 2020. Just curious when yours was shot as I got that comet too. And now it is gone. Was wondering if you know what comet it was.
Hello, I made this photo n Feb 2011 and there wasn’t any comet in the field. Maybe you are confuing with NGC 2261, Hubble’s Variable Nebula.