Vdb 158 – LBN 531 – Dust Cloud in Andromeda
It is a little known object and little imaged that is located in the Andromeda constellation. It is referenced in several catalogs of diffuse nebulae but not in the most known ones. Exit the catalogs Messier, NGC or IC. Here you have to go to the Van Den Berg catalog for Vdb 158 or the Lynds catalog of Bright Nebulae for LBN 534. This cloud is composed of fine particles of matter, a little like the dust that you can sweep in front of your door, lit by the surrounding stars. Notably the blue and orange stars at the bottom right of the image.
30 exposures of 5 minutes.
Camera : Canon EOS 1000D unfiltered
Telescope : Takahashi FSQ-106ED refractor.
Mount : Takahashi EM-200 homemade electronics.
Guiding : Orion Starshoot Autoguider on a William Optic Zenithstar 66SD refractor.
Sensor temperature : 18°C to 20°C
SQM : 21.1
Software : auto-guiding with PHD2, acquisition with Astro Photography Tool, processing with PixInsight.
Location : La Plan near Col du Banchet, Isère, France